What seems like a lifetime ago, I left my homeland to pursue the dream of competing as a professional golfer on the world stage. The journey took me around the world, and throughout I enjoyed the commitment, the pursuit of my passion, and the successes I had along the way.

The Journey of a Golf Legend

Explore the inspiring story of Sally Little, a trailblazer in the world of golf, whose passion and dedication have left an indelible mark on the sport


With 15 wins on the LPGA tour, inluding two major championships, Sally stands out as South Africa’s greatest ever women’s golfer.

My greatest desire is to give back to the country that gave me wings, and to pursue my passions through the game I love.

Sally Little Golf Trust

Educating and empowering the previously disadvantaged through the game of golf

Golf Clinics for Women

Designed to help women improve their golf game and to use golf  to broaden business opportunities and customer relationships.

Sally Little Centre for Excellence

The hub for Little Trust Golf initiatives

I share a love and passion for my homeland with Premier Africa, and I know you will too after a most unforgettable African adventure.

Golf, Sights & Safaris

We are proud to collaborate with Premier Africa for Safari and Golf experiences

Golf has taught me to leave the course in better shape than I found it. That is how I live my life… stepping lightly.